San Diego university is full of harmless geeks. This is the first police car I've seen anywhere near campus.
So I woke up and started looking where I should start. Then I went to the lab and started doing programming. I had lunch in the sun with two girls and I volunteered to helped with some tedious lab task that even a monkey could do. Wasn't that bad. And then some more programming. In the afternoon, Internet disappeared so I packed up and went home where I continued. Well, it's 8 o'clock in the evening and a moment ago I was still doing that. Perhaps it's enough for today. Lets see if I manage to stop. It's not slave-labour or anything like that! It's just so much fun! Extremely addictive. Like Sudoku but something actually gets done so there's satisfaction from that as well.
Sometimes I just walk on the same home-university road like I've walked many times already and just see something that makes me stop and take a picture. Currently it's winter here, and although it's summer for me, some plants actually seem to be losing their leaves. At first I thought that the ground is always covered with leaves, but some trees just simply remind me of fall in Estonia!
America is very car-friendly, but it's not pedestrian-unfriendly. In some ways they even think about walking people more than in Estonia. They have all sorts of sections for walkers. Basically it's all because they just don't want us walking people in their way. Well, some things here I have never seen anywhere else - like Drive-Up ATM machines (PS! No, these don't accept my card either).
:) Ma kommenteerin enne, kui unustan. Võib-olla Sa oled juba lugenud või saanud, siis saab topelt. Aga põmst võtab see eestlaste olemuse päris täpselt kokku. ;)
If any of Kristiina's foreign friends should read this comment - the above link leads to a discussion thread about "they know you are an Estonian when..."
Pretty accurate, I should say. And funny.
Accurate indeed! :D Although you can actually also tell that the person who wrote it is probably from Tartu. Or at least is seems that way to me.
Päris põnev lugemine :D
Kusjuures mul oli, vastupidi, vahepeal tunne, et tegu on tallinlasega (Old Town, Viru street). Aga ju ma olen nii ära tartlastunud, et enam sellekohaseid vihjeid tähele ei pane.
Ja muide, mõtlesin tükk aega, aga välja ei mõelnudki, mis on viga fraasidel "twelve months", "1002" ja "12 buses"... (ilmselt olen eestlane)
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