Monday, December 22, 2008

Fun of Flying

"Oh if I look as pregnant as I am, everyone will just happily escort me through the security!" Oh and THEY DID! "Excuse me mam, please follow me for extra security check." :D Hehe, fortunately it wasn't too bad. They just skanned everything I had and they had a cool weird cotton swab that the security lady put into a cool machine that detected explosives. I hadn't seen that one yet.

My flights are extremely tightly packed! The first gap is 1 hour 24 minutes and the second gap is 1 hour 10 minutes. Basically, if I miss a flight, I'm in trouble! Or actually not in trouble - I have full travel insurance for missed flights and as I've never been stranded in a foreign airport, I bet it will be a lot of fun. Especially because it's so close to Chrismas and the airport is full!

And fun it might be since the first flight was 40 minutes delayed. I am very happy that most of my flights are with the same company and also because that company is Continental. I have a very good opinion about them already because I really enjoyed their customer service on my way to San Diego. They checked my luggage all the way to Stockholm and they announced that they have checked and everyone will make their connecting flight. This might mean that once I get off the plane I will be escorted to the next plane by Continental workers but we'll see. I'm quite curious as to how I'll get home at the planned time.


houndie said...

Loodan, et j6uad ikka!
(Ma ei usu, kas sul n2itab t2pit2hti, : ).)

Ei j6ua 2ra oodata, millised kommid su tulevad, :P.
Huvitav, millal kaotab meie peres mõte tuua 6dedele-vendadele kommi oma t2henduse...?
Heh, yhel hetkel saab sellest ilmselt "toon kommi oma 6epoegadele-vennatytardele"...

Pealegi, tahaks n2ha, kui ymmarguseks sa meil kasvanud oled. Kui tihti ma saan ikka 8elda naisterahvale: "Sa oled nii suureks kasvanud!" n6nna, et nad/teie v6tate seda positiivselt?

Ja FuddRuckers oli t6esti 22retult vasakule. Iga kord, kui ma seda lugesin, tundus see olevat nagu "the elephant in the room" - sest sa ei hakanud midagi ebaviisakat ytlema, . ).

Vahva oli lugeda su seiklusi! Ilmselt n2eme homme.


Anonymous said...

Jei, kommi! Välismaa kommi!! :D
Meie tuleme Tln 26nda lõuna paiku, kas Sa siis oled veel seal või näeme alles Tartus?

Igal juhul head reisi lõppu! Ehkki ma kahtlustan, et seda postitust loed Sa juba Eestis.

näeme varsti, pontsu (hellitavalt :) mitte südamesse võtta!)

Kris said...

Äkki oli välismaa kommi isegi veel järgi. :) Ja kommi toomine välismaalt on selline äge asi. Nagu traditsioon või miskit.