Ever since I got back, I have seen the world a little differently. Cars look older here, I notice old buses that no one would voluntarily get into in San Diego, some buildings have crumbling walls. But also, buildings have character, each street looks unique, most of the trees look like people built the houses between the trees not the other way around. It's cold here but I don't really mind. I have all my winter coats and things here.
Besides, I can get a warm mug of Glögg whenever I want. People drink obviously more in Estonia.

One thing has definitely changed - I don't avoid grocery shopping so desperately. I used to be happy to leave this task to my husband. In exchange I stayed at home and washed the dishes ... that I had made.

But I was talking about grocery shopping. I used to avoid it as if the store clerks had the plague. They're really unfriendly and I don't like to be in a store. Now I almost volunteer to get groceries. If I go shopping myself, I get to buy all the things I have been craving. Also, I get to leave all the things I've started to dislike since pregnancy. I was pretty much bored with our menu anyway. The only problem is that even when pregnant I am less picky about food than my husband so I always have to get something that he would definitely eat. And don't think, "pffff, everyone knows pregnant women eat all the time and anything they get their hands on!". That's not true.

Now I'm very pregnant already. I have a huge round belly. Each time I walk past a mirror I stop.

I still eat oranges and these really ARE different. Oranges in Estonia are mostly imported from Spain. When it comes to quality, most places sell the best oranges you could get in San Diego. No one bothers to transport ugly green oranges. The difference between Spanish and Californian oranges is the texture. Spanish oranges have really thin membranes between slices so they're really messy to peal and pull apart. The fastest and least messy way to eat them is to peal them and then cut up into bite-size pieces. This generates 1 knife, one cutting board, and one bowl worth of dirty dishes but it's worth it.
Yap yap yap...

Thank you everyone who's been reading the blog. If it weren't for you, I wouldn't have written it. I have to admit I've had a really fun time blogging and making pictures I otherwise wouldn't have made - like a picture of a cereal box or a picture of Oreo cookies. I'm really glad I wrote all those blog posts.
Blogging seems to be something that suits me. Now that this blog has ended, I have started another blog: Being A Parent With a Life. That blog is about pregnancy and about preserving my life after I have a kid. It will hardly have posts like, "AWWWW IT DROOLED ALL OVER THE PLACE! HOW CUTE!". Like, ewwwww!