I was frying diced chicken for lunch and I was just eagerly waiting for the rest of the liquid to evaporate when suddenly there was a VERY LOUD NOISE!!!! I freaked and reacted by covering my ears.

Fire alarm? But this isn't the first time I was frying meat here and it wasn't even getting brown, let alone burned. Then I realized I had closed the balcony door earlier because it was too cold in the apartment. So it must be the fire alarm! I turned off the stove. I was home alone, my roommate is visiting her family for a couple of days. I quickly looked around for the fire alarm.
I noticed the water sprinkler in the ceiling. NOOOOoooooo!!!!!

I ran and opened the balcony door!
Such a small thing making such a horrible sound!Then I took a chair and got up to look at the fire alarm thingy in the ceiling. "<-ON - Twist - OFF->" so I turned it off, but it still didn't shut up. I was running back and forth, tried to call my roommate and got voice-mail... But then it got quiet. Ah, what a relief.

A couple of days ago I thought I actually felt the baby move. I'm not sure, but it felt like someone tapping very softly with a finger from the inside. Initially felt like something digestion-related, but then I felt the exact same thing the next day twice in the exact same place and once again one day later. I was going to wait a few days to confirm if it happens again and more frequently, but I haven't felt it so clearly anymore. I'm assuming that it actually was the real thing, but now the baby found a more comfortable position and now dances around inside, without desperately stretching out with claustrophobia and lack of space. Good for her, I guess.

Actually I should start feeling the baby three weeks from now because I'm in my 17th week and even second pregnancy mothers often don't feel the baby as early as 17 weeks. My friend felt the first baby at 16 weeks, so there's no rule really.
I spent the day in. Mostly tried to write an essay for Tartu University. If I finish this, then I will rest easier at night. It would be ideal to finish it by Monday morning in Estonia. I'm also getting a bit stressed. Only two weeks left. I feel like I'm running out of time.
Book about Geralt the WitcherAnd on other news... YAY! giggle...giggle!

I wish someone was online so I could enthusiastically tell them, oh I'm so satisfied right now! Basically I finished my book and was a bit sad that it's all over now, but then I saw that the last page was an advertisement: "The Witcher. For PC". A game?! About this book? I made a google search and it's got very good reviews and in fall 2009 they're releasing it for Xbox 360! YAY!

I have this odd sense like I've actually seen the game before. It would be funny if my husband has played that on PC.
The Witcher oli PC jaoks olemas juba aasta aega tagasi, sel sügisel lasti välja Enhanced Edition, mis parandas ohtralt bugisid ja pakkus siledamat graafikat ja paremini sisseloetud dialooge.
Kui mälu ei peta, siis Erkki on tõesti Witcherit mänginud. Veljo on kindlasti.
Ja tõsi, järgmisel aastal tuleb sellest välja ka konsooliversioon.
:D Nüüd ma tean, mida ma Tartusse jõudes esimeste päevade jooksul teen... :p
Ma ise mõtlen, et mängu logo oli ju sama, mis seal raamatu kaanel. Huvitav, kas mul oli see alateadlikult meeles... Äkki ma sellepärast just selle raamatu raamtupoes välja valisingi... :) Igatahes väärt valik oli!
Hei, kas saaks sinult ühe teene küsida? Tahan sellist asja: http://www.thinkgeek.com/geektoys/cubegoodies/8cff/ seda ei ole mõtekas Eestisse tellida, kuna postikulu läheb mingi üle neljakümne taala... kas saaksid oma aadressile tellida ja kaasa tuua? :) Võin sulle raha üle kanda, või siis mingile sõbrale paypaliga...
Vabalt võin transportida. See ei näe raske ega suur välja. Kui korterikaaslane tagasi jõuab, küsin kas saaks nii, et ma maksan talle lihtsalt sulas ja ta tellib siia.
Mhh, mäletan, et me Erkkiga kunagi vaatasime seal saidil ja peaaegu oleks isegi miskit tellinud... Äkki peaks veelkord pilgu peale heitma :)
Kindlasti peaks :D Aitäh!
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