Oooooh I have waited for this day for over a month! heh, I think I ought to explain myself - I am somewhat blond by birth and when I get very tanned I get freckles. Not huge ugly looks-like-skin-disease freckles. I get these nice ones that are mostly only on my cheeks so they make me look even more tanned. Unfortunately, with our Estonian "summers"

, I see them every other year. But now it seems I'm tanned enough to actually have freckles!
All this due to bad Internet and illness.

Yesterday in the lab I did some checking and as it turned out, the microscope is booked at the beginning of the day today. And when I sat down at my computer, I got a new kind of error message for Internet - my username and password were only good for a month so now I have to get new ones. Basically for now, I don't even have really awful Internet there. Then I got the illness as well and suddenly it made no sense to go to the lab before noon. I deliberately slept in to get some rest and when I woke up, sun was happily shining outside! SUNBATHING WEATHER!

...but I'm ill. I checked the weather forecast and today was possibly the very last sunny day before I leave because it will gradually go down to 17C by Saturday. So I just changed into my bikini and used the opportunity. I don't regret it as I feel a bit better than I felt yesterday. Today I made chicken soup from scratch and I know it's THE sick person food in USA so that should also help. Yumm.
The REAL cookieBeing ill really made me hungry for sweet things. I've been snacking on a little bit of this and a little bit of that. I found Hershey's Cookies & Creme chocolate in the pharmacy where I got the nifty thermometer (yes, chocolate's by the cash register in a pharmacy).

I've been keeping an eye out for this exact thing ever since I arrived in USA. They were trying to market Hershey's chocolates in Estonia a few years ago but apparently they failed because I haven't seen any of their stuff in Estonian stores since then. I loved their Cookies & Creme which is white chocolate with dark cookies. Now I finally got to try it again and ... well... memory plays tricks on people. Estonian white Kalev chocolate is much nicer and creamier.
Creamy, but not creamy enough.Another thing I tried again - Oreo cookies.

These are the classic "cookies" in USA. If anyone says "cookie", this is what they think about, even though the selection of different cookies is HUGE. This can often be seen in fast food restaurants and such. If they have "Ice cream - with cookie" and this means it's got pieces of dark Oreo cookies. Frozen Yogurt with cookies has actual chopped Oreo cookies on it. Many -MANY- years ago I actually tried them. Rachel had just got back from US and she gave me one Oreo cookie. It seemed a bit like licorice-dark on the outside and very creamy on the inside. Now I tried it again and I remembered wrong. It tastes almost exactly like the popular Finnish Domino cookies by Lu, but the color contrast makes Oreo cookies a bit more appealing and the dark cookie has better texture and is more crispy.
I bet they taste like blueberriesI keep walking past huge berry bushes. Entire hedges of these berry bushes. The berries look a lot like blueberries, but no one's eating them so I assume they're poisonous. I'm still tempted to have a taste each time I walk past them.
Kesse rääkis, et kui Saksamaal koos kohalike sõpradega metsas käisid (no nende metsad on meie mõistes pigem pargid) ja seeni (vist puravikke? või pilvikuid? Igatahes midagi keskmisele eestlasele elementaarset) nähes "ohhoo, fooooood" tegid, siis sakslased olid õudusest silmi pööritanud - kas te tõesti julgete neid süüa? Need võivad ju mürgised olla! Kust te teate, et ei ole!!!
Nii et need kohalikud sinikad-mustikad võivad ka täiesti söödavad olla, aga äkki sealkandis koriluse mõiste lihtsalt puudub. :) (Aga see pole kindlasti mitte soovitus tundmatus kohas sööma asuda, eksole)
Hi again! So how do you feel about me coming Sunday evening and leaving Wednesday evening? I could also come Monday morning and leave Thursday morning?
Let me know and I will definitely buy the train tix! :-)
hi Rach,
Sunday to Wednesday sounds good to me. Monday morning I might be in the lab. On Sunday I can meet you in down town, help carry your stuff and we can take a bus back here. It's too easy to miss the right stop near the apartment even after taking the bus a couple of times. Plus I think the bus stop isn't so easy to find in down town either. We can also eat there - I know a great place for a quick meal and I assume they'll be open on sundays as well but I'm not sure. The bus ride to the apartment takes about 1 hour and 40 min and I know the train ride takes even longer. If I'm not mistaken, regular bus ticket is $2.25 and a day pass is $5.
Kati, :D jah, nende jaoks on mustikas see asi seal karbis poes.
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