First of all, the gift I bought was a big hit. The person who got it liked it very much and other people were also excited about it.

There was joking about using the cocktail recipe book to make a cocktail into the thermos mug and pretend it's coffee. I never doubted I made the right choice with my gift and I was right.
So anyway, we found out that the party was like a 3-minute walk from my home. Katrin, however, lives 1 hour bus ride away and she would have had time to go home, stay there for half an hour and then turn back for the party. So I just invited her to my place. We sat and watched TV. It was nice.
Then we went to the party. Like wow, so many people from the lab. That's cool! There was some Wii playing, but I didn't play. There was a lot of interesting small-talk with people I had never talked with before. Fun!

Pizza, ice cream, fresh baked gingerbread cookies from home-made dough. Mmmmmm...
Real cookies! Real Christmas cookies!!!And then we distributed the gifts. We wrote numbers on all the gifts and then numbers on pieces of paper. Everyone took a piece of paper and the matching gift. We opened them one at a time so the group commented on all the gifts. One gift card, one monopoly game, cool cookie-cutters and so on. And now to the gift that I got.

The gift I got.It's kitchen stuff! Yay! One is a cupcake decorator and the other is a set of angel food cake pans.

My first question (after the happy reaction), "What's angel food cake?". Something very soft and fluffy. I'm gonna have to eat it at least once in USA so I can make it from recipe later. And the cupcake decorator - I don't really make cupcakes but I really like the tool itself. I can decorate cakes or do whatever like that. I will definitely use it.
Cupcake decorator or a pipette?I opened it up, looked at it, smirked and said, "looks like a pipette!". People laughed and agreed. Then Katrin started laughing again and said, "You think about lab too much! Yesterday I asked if you have
plans for the weekend and you asked me, '
plants?'". That did happen.

30 minutes later I admitted I was kinda sleepy because I slept only 4 hours during the night. I went to sleep at 12:30 and I woke up three times during the night until I woke up at 4:30 and started thinking about the things I wished I had done the earlier day. I didn't fall asleep for an hour and then just took out my laptop and did the things I had wanted to do. People were like, "

I would have just watched TV" and "

working would be the last thing I'd do when I wake up in the middle of the night." I laughed, then paused, thought for a moment and told them, "I'M NOT A WORKAHOLIC! REALLY!

lol! Yay for you getting Christmas kitchen things! :-)
yeah! :D know.... in thoery we could try baking angel food cake when you come here... :p
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