First of all, look what I saw on my way to school. Arrogant jerks!
Very funny!Actually I had a really great day.

I still like my breakfast, even though I've been eating the same thing each morning - muesli with yogurt and two fried eggs. I know it keeps me happy until lunch, and that's what I also ate in Estonia. I usually got my variety by changing muesli brands and yogurt flavors, but now I just have what I got from the store a few days ago - berry muesli with plain yogurt. And eggs are eggs. No variety there! And unexpected as it is, I think most milk products taste good here. My yogurt and cottage cheese are just like the kind that you'd get in Estonia. And by the way, cottage cheese is almost in between the two different products that we call
kodujuust and
kohupiim, but it's still a lot more like
kodujuust (almost disappointing!).

Cheese tastes great straight from the package, but after warming it up, it gets very rubbery and tasteless. I'm more used to cheese getting a stronger taste after being heated up.
Everything comes in bigger package than I'm used to. And all milk comes in plastic containers.Milk is another story. It tastes funny.

It's got this weird taste to it as if some of the washing liquid is still in the milk. I got the 2% milk because it was the closest to our average 2.5% milk. In Estonia, you get to choose between 2,5 % milk from many different companies and they all basically taste the same - creamy sweet milk taste. Some years ago came fat free milk. I don't know anyone who admits to drinking that, unless they're on a diet. I just tastes bad and it's see-through. Here it was REALLY hard to choose milk. I didn't find any milk with more than 2% fat. A lot of the milk was either A- and D-vitamin or A-vitamin, D-vitamin and Calcium fortified.
I think I might have bought just Calcium fortified milk, but I already take vitamins every morning so I just got a regular milk.
Take a guess - is this the right side of the building or the back side.Today I got lost. Well, not really, but I did do quite a lot of extra walking.

I exited the apartment building from another side. I assumed it was the right side of the building, because I got straight to the street. I turned left and started walking. 20 min later I got suspicious. "I don't think that's the road I'm supposed to be crossing. Oh wait, what road am I on?!"

I took out my map and saw that I could just keep walking and take another road to the campus.

Easier said than done - I ended up walking extra two miles.
PS! I hate walking through parking lots. You never know what car will start up next. But by the time I come back to Estonia, I'll be quite used to it.
Shortcut to campus - notice the pedestrian road on the other side of the parking lot. Today at the lab I saw such a cool thing. It was a totally new way to do something that I had only seen being done in another way. I won't get into any details, but I was really excited. And the person showing it was REALLY fun to hang out with. I had a great time.And now we finally get to where my post title came from - when I was in the lab, my Internet suddenly disappeared. My computer didn't even see any wireless networks existing anymore. I got really confused - it's also my first time trying to handle a laptop and I usually use an Internet wire, so I had no idea how to fix it. Well it was a great excuse to talk to the three people in the office room where I have my desk. They all laughed at my PC and pointed at their Apples. They said this alone explains the problem. It was funny. However, one guy helped me find a PC user, another person I had barely talked with. All in all, the wireless problem got fixed and it turned out to be a good excuse to talk with all those really cool people.

About time I am on one of these pictures.
hmph.. ma eile kirjutasin siia, aga millegipärast otsustas see post mitte läbi tulla. Aga mida ma ütlesin: lahe, et rahaasi korras on :) ma juba veidi muretsesin siin sellepärast (sa ju tead küll miuke kanaema ma olla oskan :P).
Ja kust sa selle aja leiad, et iga päev kirjutada, kui sa kogu aeg kõnnid punktist A punkti B punkti C ...? Aga lahe, et sa seda teed :) Päris hea on lugeda sellest, kuda sul läheb ja kuda elu-olu sealpool suurt lompi on.
Ja minu poolt ka palju õnne artikli mõjude pärast! :)
:D mul on ka hea meel et rahaasjad korda said - mul tuli stipp ka läbi.
Ja mul ei ole ju D&D'd, tikkimist, miskit, niiet blogi kirjutamine on mu kohalik hobi. :) Ma üritan iga päev teha nii palju kui võimalik, ma ei taha aega raisata. Mul juba plaan laupäeval kesklinna sõita ja pühapäeval päevitada ja ujuda. Aga õhtuks olen ma ikka kodus ja pea on täis muljeid mida tahaks jagada kellegagi.
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