Sunday, November 23, 2008

Down Town

Lets just start with - my evening plans were cancelled. We were supposed to go out to celebrate a birthday, but the birthday boy has been ill since the middle of the week. He was hoping to be better by Sunday evening, but he was complaining about feeling very cold on Saturday evening already. He didn't get better at all. In fact, he was feeling even worse today and the weather was also worse, so he decided to take a rain check.

Something green within that gloomy down town.

I made many mistakes today, all of which can be said with one word - procrastination. I was going to go to down town at 10 am to get an early start. I ate breakfast at 9:30 and I just chilled out by the computer until it was 12 o'clock. I felt I won't be home until about 1 am so I wanted to spend more time at home. Before I knew it, it was 2 pm and I was still at home. "Okay, enough!", I told myself, got myself ready and went out. And now we get to the real mistakes. At 3:30 o'clock in the afternoon I was in a bus. I had missed my lunch and I had forgot to make coffee in the morning. I felt horrible - agitated and slightly lightheaded.

Almost looks like London.

I reached down town and thought of only one thing - food! I thought I'd step into the first place that sells cheap food because I didn't want a culinary treat. I just wanted FOOD. This turned out to be more difficult than I would have thought. Most places looked either really expensive or horribly icky and abandoned. It took me 20 minutes to find a good real American burger place, which was amazingly delicious! I have to visit that place again before I leave San Diego.

Busy streets and colorful lights.

Unfortunately it was pretty late by the time I felt like a human again and it got dark almost immediately after. The houses looked tall and the atmosphere felt uncomfortable, especially alone in a dark down town of a 1,3 million people city. There were many homeless people begging. They had got quite comfortable sitting there like it's something they've done for years every day.

Cute glass froggy!

I walked around and made a wrong turn. There were less and less people around, I was alone and got a bit scared. I took out my map and made my way back to the main road. Each time I took out my map I felt like I was an obvious lost tourist, even worse, lost young female tourist. I tried to keep it hidden as much as possible and I kept walking with my usual sure and steady fast pace. Before long I found the right place and things felt safer again. It felt even better when I finally got home.

A huge pile of coupons came with mail. My roommate never uses them, so she gave them to me in case I'm interested in any of the offers. I picked out a handful and threw away the rest.

Coupons! I picked out a few just in case!

The cat loves canned pumpkin puree. It's cute to see the cat ask for a bite of that. Odd choice of food for a cat!

Cute paw move.


Annelih said...

Päris kõhe tõesti... üksi pimedas linnas, mille rahvaarv on pea samasuur kui Eesti oma (niimoodi mõeldes on Eesti ikka tõesti tibatilluke :P). Vähemalt on kõik ikka korras. Aga miks sa muidu korterikaaslasega hängimas ei käi? V on tal kiire kogu aeg? Kahekesi on ikka turvalisem ju.

Ja selle laisklemise koha pealt - eks kõigile ole aeg-ajalt üks laisklemispäev lubatud :) don't beat yourself up over it. Ja sinu seisundis peakski ju puhkama ka vahel.

Ole terve! :)

Kris said...

:D haha, "sinu seisundis" ;)

Korterikaaslasel on pidevalt kiire, hästi tihti käib laboris. Pealegi ei ole päris selline klapp et koos linna peal hängida. :)

Anonymous said...

Kassist ja söögist - mulle tuli meelde üks kass, kes meil Kadrinas elas ja kartulikoori sõi.. tõeline patrioot!