Well I had a choice - I either play around with the experiment on my own with no supervision and no one to ask questions from, or I keep sitting at the computer. I had already played around with the experiment, but I had supervision and someone to point out what I should do differently. Well now I could just make all the mistakes, waste all the equipment and get my faulty results and lots of faulty data to process. I was actually going to do that until I realized that the entire experiment plan was wrong and none of what I would do will matter in any way. Then it just became so pointless to risk braking expensive lab equipment playing around on my own.
In stead, I took the bus to Pacific Beach for the third time already. That made me feel like I had accomplished something - ANYTHING - today. But I have lab-related plans for Wednesday and Friday. Plus I'm gonna see if one person could teach me one thing on Thursday - that would be perfect. I wouldn't say that my lack of activity is due to lack of trying, but all that sitting around and doing nothing is getting to me. It's way worse than the plane ride because I'm not even supposed to be reading a book or anything when I'm in the lab. I'm not used to such inactivity.
"Americans all drive around in huge cars that use up SOOOOO much gas. They just think it's normal to have a huge American car!", said a bunch of people in Estonia and the rest of the Europe. That's the general consensus, so it must be true, right? Well I don't really think so. Most of the time, the cars here are exactly the same as gthe ones in Estonia. It's Hondas and BMWs and other regular cars that people use everywhere. Even the totally unknown probably American companies seem to be making just the regular small city cars that are easy to park and probably take very little gas. But every once in a while I see a car here that makes me go, "wow, that's one big-ass car!".
I saw a tree within a wall. I wonder if it's a rare plant. I wonder why they felt the need to preserve this tree when they built the road. The picture was made between two roads which did not seem that new. The plant doesn't look so healthy there. I hope it's okay.
I was in the mood for hot chocolate with tiny marshmallows ever since I saw the tiny marshmallows sold in a store the day after I arrived. I immediately remembered all the movies and cartoons where people put marshmallows in hot chocolate, but I also thought, "oh that's horrible, all that sugar and calories, no real nutritional value. I shouldn't eat stuff like that!". Some time has passed and every time I see marshmallows in a store, I think about this treat. Well now I realized that I have to try that! Hot chocolate with tiny marshmallows is a totally American treat as far as I know. How can I live in USA for 6 whole weeks and not try that. Plus my HUGE milk has the expiration date coming up in a few days and there's no way I'd drink that pure. So anyway, ...

Noo, aga oli see siis tõesti nii hea või lihtsalt tugevasti ülehinnatud?
Ma mäletan, kuidas vanasti sai filmidest vaadatud vahukommide praadimist lõkkel - et kui äge ja lahe ja hea tulemus. Ja kui me siis küünla kohal neid kõrvetada püüdsime. Haha, täielik pettumus.
Oih. Vajutasin kogemata vale nupu peale. See eelmine oli ka minu.
:D Noh, minuarust lõkkel küpsetatud vahukommid, sellised väljast pisut krõbedad, seest pehmed, on niiiiii head. :D Väga hästi sobivad ka kahe väikse šokolaadiküpsise vahele, aga ka niisama... mmmm... :)
kakao sees - hirmus pläkerdamine. :) nad sulavad sellisteks kleepuvateks venivateks käkkideks. Lusika vars kaetud sellega, tassi servad kaetud. Lisaks sellele sulab sellega kakao sisse suhkrut. Lõpp oli päris lääge. :) Samas... ma kavatsen täna veel "proovida". :p Ma ostsin pealegi eriti ägedat kakaod - selline lõuna-Ameerika kaunistustega vürtsidega kakao. Mõnus! Seda pean kindlasti kaasa ka tooma. Kuna sinna tuleb päriselt PIIMA lisada, mitte vett, ja see ei ole pakendatud 1-tassi pakikesteks, siis oli see kõige odavam kakao. :D
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