I'm back in San Diego and I'm very happy about it. I loved LA, but I actually felt very happy when I saw "my own bed".

I know - I know, San Diego isn't REALLY my home, but I'm set up pretty well here and just being here relaxes me, which is exactly like being at home would feel. I know my way around and I have most of my stuff here.
Walked past practicing firemen in the morning. When I got home the cats were really sleepy - they hadn't expected anyone to turn on the lights at that time. But once they realized who it was, one of them was really happy to see me

and the other one is just shy and never approaches me unless she's absolutely convinced I won't attack her. You see, both of the cats were taken from the shelter when they were already grown-ups. Both have their own reasons why they ended up in the shelter even though the owner doesn't know about their past in detail.
I'm glad Rachel took me to the train station since it looked scary big. Shayann is the furry cat that has been in a couple of pictures in my blog before. She's very affectionate. She just loves being petted. Actually it only took her minutes to get all cute and affectionate with me when she first saw me. By now she likes me enough to run in my room when I get home. The other cat, Maria, is really shy. She's afraid of people and won't let anyone walk towards her. The owner thinks her previous owner must have stepped on her or kicked her, which is why Maria always gets spooked by people walking close to her, even if it's the owner whom she totally loves.

Maria is also really suspicious of new people and it takes her weeks and sometimes months to get used to someone she hadn't met before. You can imagine how privileged I felt when she carefully came close to me after only one and a half weeks.
It barely wasn't dark when I arrived in San Diego.Why am I telling you all this now? Because as it turns out, the shy cat Maria has got herself a new hobby when I was in LA. Lately she has been started to sleep on my pillow.

Pillow is covered in cat hair, but it's sooo cute!
See on äge, et vähemalt kassid tunduvad Ameerikas samasuguses mõnusad triibulised olevat kui Eestis maakassid. Ma kujutasin juba vist ette, et kassid on ka ameerika lipu värvi triibulised ja tähtedega kaetud. :P
Tore, et tagasi "kodus" oled. Me tegelikult ootame Sind tagasi sinu päris kodumaale ka.:)
vot Egiptuses on nad küll teistsugused - Pikad jalad, sale nägu, suured kõrvad... :) Siin jah üpris tavalised. :) Kuigi mina olin harjunud et kassidele ei meeldi kui keegi nende saba puudutab, siin nad peaaegu eeldavad et saavad pika pai sabaotsani. :D
Mul siin tunne, et aeg möödub siin nii ruttu! Ja kõht muudkui kasvab... :D See Saksa tüdruk tegi suuri silmi kui polnud mind eelmisest laupäevast alates (st. üle nädala) näinud. Erinevus selle aja jooksul üle kilo ja paistab et kõik kõhu peal.
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