Things are certainly looking up! Well, not in San Diego lab - I didn't learn any new techniques today and the girl assigned to help me isn't taking any initiative at all. I mean, I go and rant all my plans and thoughts and she says, "ah, well, you can try...". I don't know, seems she's not narrowing down my ideas at all and she's not really giving enough of her expertise on how to do such experiments. Seems she'd just prefer if I could do it without any help from her at all. So here I am inventing the bicycle.

I'm going to find a way to get her to do what I need of her! I extremely rarely deliberately try to find a new persona for myself when communicating with someone, but I really need her to show me how to do those experiments!
But that's not what I wanted to talk about! Things are looking up because I finally have something to do. The Estonian lab has some tasks that I can do on my computer here!

And I thought I was actually going to resort to Solitaire! Oh the horror!
You can see the broken light on the road. I forgot to tell you something yesterday! I was in a car accident!

Well ok, it wasn't anything that bad. I was in a bus going to Pacific Beach and the bus was making a turn when it suddenly used the horn and abruptly stopped. Someone had tried to get ahead before it finishes the turn, but was apparently too slow, because the vehicles touched at the front corner of the bus. Fortunately there was another bus (same number!!!) just 100m down the road and everyone just got on the other bus. I'm not sure I would have even mentioned it, but today I saw that something similar had happened at my bus stop. This meant that the university shuttle had no where to stop and it just whooshed right past us. I almost would have been late for my lab safety training!
You can see the broken light on the road. Actually I did do something useful in terms of San Diego lab - I finally got my lab safety training! Wasn't too bad. Actually pretty fun because they showed cool pictures of what you could do wrong in a lab. Anything from showing too full trash boxes with needles sticking out to the aftermath of working with acids when wearing only shorts. My roommate just laughed and said I must REALLY be bored if I actually enjoyed lab safety training.

Road to no where. It was really odd weather here today. The temperature dropped from 29 to 20 overnight and this caused really cool fog. I could just see the clouds sinking to the ground. One moment it was very cloudy and this weird "smoke" sinking everywhere, the next moment the cloud was gone and it was all clear outside. Inside the cloud I could feel the humidity on my skin. And it was so dark for a while. Cool weather tricks.
The sinking cloud.
Siis oli sul õnnelik õnnetus. Ma jõudsin esimese hooga juba ära ehmatada.
Ning su korterikaaslasel on õigus - kui sa naudid safety trainingut, peab sul ikka väga igav olema.
Muus osas on su blog väga nauditav nagu alati. Selle lugemine on praeguseks üks mu lemmikrituaale päevas.
P.S. Viimase pildi allkirjast lugesin ma loomulikult esimese hooga välja 'The Stinking Cloud'.
:D haha, ma iga kord loen välja "creepy clouds".
Bussi kiirus ei olnud jah eriti suur. Hästi läks. Mul on kindlustuse paberid igaks juhuks alati kaasas. Et kui miskit peaks juhtuma, siis ei teki probleeme meditsiinilise abiga.
:) Ma jätkan kindlasti blogi kirjutamist. Vahel postitan küll üsna hilja oma aja järgi, niiet teil on seal hommikukohvi aeg juba möödas, aga eks siis lõunal loete...
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