Spent the day in. I have been running around so much lately that I needed time to rest and relax.

Also, I actually wanted to do some work on my laptop. It's stuff I know how to do and it is actually fun to do and these things need to be done a.s.a.p. but I have just been so busy that there has barely been any progress in the past few days. But this is where the title of today's blog comes from - I had less plans and less running around, but I got more stuff done.
Sushi - the cat who maims people for fun.Rachel's cat is insane. Like really. She's just violent!

She likes attention so she'll come and let me pet her, but she can't be petted unless she can claw me at the same time, so she'll just point her claws at me and rhythmically torture me. Well I'm not really into that stuff, so I lift her paws off me. Then she rests them on my arm and continues the torture. I decide I'm not gonna pet her if she's like that, so she keeps purring and bites me! Literally. She's like that all the time. Even when I just walk past her, she won't get out of the way and sometimes just hits me with her claw just for the heck of it. But I'm pretty serious about not getting any open wounds for no good reason, so I just ignore her sometimes or push her off my bed or just put a high pillow between us.

She doesn't like it much, but she still keeps coming back for the petting and torturing.
Display of cool old stuff. But today I watched three movies at Rachel's place: Hard Candy, D.E.B.S., and Imagine Me And You. It was lots of fun. She has a projector and HUGE speakers.

Good quality movie watching.

Rachel lives in this cool old house that used to be a hotel. Now all the rooms are just rented out as apartments. There's some really cool old furniture in the lobby. Plus there's a really old looking church quite close to the building.
Coolest looking church I've seen in USA. In the evening, my friend Rachel invited a bunch of her closest friends together. We spent the evening in a bar that has an extra entrance straight from the "hotel" lobby. So I never even stepped outside to go to the bar.

I got my non-alcoholic beer again.
Sailor theme pub/restaurant downstairs. We were ordering one thing after another, but eventually we had got like a meal and on average 3 drinks per person. And we got the check and it was 167 dollars. Well, that seems like a lot. It's 2000 EEK. But actually I wouldn't be surprised if I was out with 9 friends in Estonia and the bill ended up being 2000 kroons. Everyone would get maybe 4 or 5 drinks, but the bill would be the same. Especially considering that they add the tip to the bill as an obligatory extra when there's more than 4 people in the table. That rule can vary in different places, but it is something that you should definitely be aware of when you pay the bill in USA.
Tip included in the bill.
Vaatasime koos pilte! Jälle! Ja tekkis paar küsimust: a) eelmise postituse linnavaates oli üks maja, mille torni otsas oli püramiid - mis maja see selline oli? Sakraalehitis?
b) see coolest looking church - kas ma nägin valesti või oli selle ees seisev silt tõesti hiinakeelne? :o
Ja huvitav, millal see ehitati?
a) Tegin kiiret detektiivitööd. Mul ühe foto peal oli sama maja teise nurga alt ja seal oli ladina keeles midagi kirjas... Kui sa seda püramiidi mõtlesid, siis on tegemist LA Public Library'ga. http://www.experiencela.com/destinations/fullprofile.asp?key=291
b) :) sa nägid õigesti - või noh, üsna. Silt on Koreakeelne. Rachel elab Korea linnaosas. Palju väga imeliku toiduga restorane.
Enamus kõige ilusamaid ehitisi Los Angeleses on pärit 1920-1930 aastast. Lähedal oli sarnane hoone aastast 1927. Väga palju vanemaid ehitisi loota ei tasu. :p Ega see siis Euroopa ei ole. ;)
No just, seda ma mõtlengi, et sel ajal, kui Euroopas selliseid hooneid ehitati, oli Ameerikas alles (valdavalt) õnnis teadmatus igasugustest eurooplastest, nende ehitustavadest rääkimata.
Seda raamatukogu ma mõtlesin jah. Täitsa lahe.
Esimese hooga seostus pilt hoopis vabamüürlastega ... ;) (muuseas, ega seegi tegelikult välistatud pole)
tänane kontrollsõna on deviant, how cool is that.
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